What is Consanguinity and the Degrees of Consanguinity?
Consanguinity refers to the relationship of people based on their bloodline. It is a trait shared by people who came from the same ancestor.
Consanguinity is used in many countries as the basis for drafting laws relating to marriage and the inheritance of property.
Its importance is highlighted by the different views of different countries on marriage involving parties who are related by blood, for example marriage between cousins. There are countries where it is considered acceptable and there are places where it is prohibited because it is considered incest as stated by their laws.
Degree of Consanguinity
To quickly understand the degrees of consanguinity, see the chart below:
The First Degree is made up of your parents and your children.
The Second Degree is your siblings and your grandchildren.
Third Degree is your grandparents, nieces, nephews and aunts, and your great grandchildren.
Fourth Degree are your great nieces and great nephews, “First Cousin” or children of your uncle and aunt, great uncle and great aunt, and your great grandfather and great grandmother.