What is Communism: Meaning and Characteristics

What is Communism: Meaning and Characteristics

Communism is a form of government associated with the philosopher Karl Marx. It is based on his vision of what a utopian society would look like which he describes in his book “The Communist Manifesto”. According to Karl Marx, the capitalist system brings inequality to a society, and it is divided into different classes. This…


What is the Difference between Global Warming and Climate Change?

Climate Change and Global Warming Weather refers to the current condition of the atmosphere and would change over a brief period of time, hours to a week. It can be measured by observing the change in temperature, speed, and direction of the wind, and so on. Climate, on the other hand, is the general state…


What was the Cause of the French Revolution?

After France helped assist the Americans during the American revolution, some of the French revolutionaries also wanted change within their country. But unlike the revolution they took part in the American colonies, the change they wanted to happen in France was more radical. The American revolutionaries only wanted independence from the British empire while the…

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Industrial Revolution: Beginnings, Innovations, and Impact

What is the Industrial Revolution? The Industrial Revolution (c. 1760 – 1840) was a transitional period in Europe and America that focused on change in manufacturing processes, from the development of products by hand to the use of machinery and automation. This period is characterized by the rapid development in manufacturing and various industries due…

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What is Mercantilism?

Definition of Mercantilism Mercantilism is a political and economic doctrine that aims to improve national development and strengthen state power by doing the following: Mercantilism became popular in Europe in the 17th century, especially in the countries of Britain, France, Spain, and Germany, where it became their main political and economic ideology. Brief Explanation of…