Why is Greenland bigger than Africa on some maps of the world?

Why is Greenland bigger than Africa on some maps of the world?

Maybe you have seen a map inside your classroom or on a website and you noticed that Greenland is bigger than Africa. Shouldn’t a continent be bigger than an island? Why isn’t Greenland considered a continent? The answer is that Greenland is an island that is a lot smaller than the continent of Africa. Greenland…


The Emu War: When Bird Defeated Men

The “Emu War” was a military operation conducted in Western Australia in 1932 to address an increasing emu population that was causing crop damage. The emus irritated farmers because they would raid farms and destroy crops. The Australian government sent a small group of soldiers to deal with the birds. Major G.P.W. Meredith of the…


Why is “Xmas” used to Abbreviate Christmas?

The use of the letter “X” to represent the word “Christ” in “Xmas” is a common abbreviation that has been in use for many centuries. It is not intended to replace the word “Christ” in the celebration of Christmas, but is a representation of the Greek letter chi, which is the first letter in the…

What is Communism: Meaning and Characteristics

Communism is a form of government associated with the philosopher Karl Marx. It is based on his vision of what a utopian society would look like which he describes in his book “The Communist Manifesto”. According to Karl Marx, the capitalist system brings inequality to a society, and it is divided into different classes. This…


What was the Cause of the French Revolution?

After France helped assist the Americans during the American revolution, some of the French revolutionaries also wanted change within their country. But unlike the revolution they took part in the American colonies, the change they wanted to happen in France was more radical. The American revolutionaries only wanted independence from the British empire while the…